Walking on the Costiera dei Cech, in 4 pictures!


Walking on the Costiera dei Cech between the end of spring and the beginning of summer. 4 pictures of 4 hikes.

Colmen, Rifugio la Casermetta

The Colmen, a mountain for every season. This strange and compact mountain is reachable through different trails. This is my favourite hike to the Rifugio la Casermetta.

Hike Croce di Ledino, Costiera dei Cech

The Croce di Ledino, due to its perfect southern exposure is early free from the winter and spring snow. This is a classic hike of beginning of season, from the summit you have 360° view of the Low Valtellina.

Meadows of San Bernardo, Civo, on the Costiera dei Cech

The meadows of San Bernardo, on the Costiera dei Cech are one of the most beautiful places I know. I never get tired of walking around there.

Costiera dei Cech, no marked trail

I often go off the marked trails for a mistake of mine or because they aren’t well marked.
Sometime I don’t follow the marked trail of my own free will and often I go home really tired and frustrated because actually in that direction it wasn’t possible to go.
Once in a while not following the marked trail repays me for all the other times!


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By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.