The snow has returned to cover the mountains, spreading a cold blanket of white silence during the night.

The arrival of the snow was on the air.
Its cold scent that irritates the nostrils had been perceptible for a few days and then that great halo around the moon a few nights ago was an unequivocal signal.
Cold, silent and nocturnal.
This is how the snow returned to cover the mountain, spreading a cold blanket of white silence during the night.
Traces of deer and roe deer in the snow.
Superficial and subtle traces, others deep and massive.
In some stretches of deep snow in addition to the footprints of the hooves a slight dip left by the belly was also visible.
Short and cloudy days. The cold magnifies the silence and the snow makes the environment muffled, the spring will be even more beautiful than usual.
Let’s hope it stops continues to snow.