July, the longer month.


July was a long month, which never ended, in 5 pictures.

Val Toate, Costiera dei Cech

Too many things to do, long and hot days and a garden that after Nepal had become a jungle. But the time for an hiking is always there.

Happiness is…. picking blueberries!

Same place, same friends.
– Welcome back my friends – said the donkey.

Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)

I imagine that many of you will not like this picture.
The stag beetle shows up only in some years. He is completely unsuitable for flying but he does not know it and therefore since he has wings … he flies.
This in the photo had crashed on the facade of the house!

Let’s just keep this between us: first porcino of the year!


Categorised as Blog

By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.