Hike 3 Cornini on the Costiera dei Cech


The hike up to 3 Cornini on the Costiera dei Cech is an interesting and panoramic hike with a short and easy rock climbing in the final part. The place is rarely visited but easy to get. Very good location to shoot unforgettable photos.


  • Elevation gain: 932 m.
  • Hiking time: 3 hours
  • Difficulty: E (the climbing rock to the first tower is I°, the others two towers are more difficult)
  • Max Elevation: 2021 m.
  • Trail: n° 23 and footprint in the final part

Trekking is an inherently dangerous activity. The hike here described can be a dangerous activity if faced without the right preparation. Mountain conditions can be very dramatically from one season to the next. Always seek local advice on current conditions, check the weather and don’t take anything for granted.

The author accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss, injury or inconvenience resulting from the use of this blog.

Starting point:
Drive the road that from Morbegno leads to Poira of Civo, passing first to the villages of Dazio and Serone. When you arrive at the crossroads of Chempo’s village, turn left, after a few meters you’ll see on the right the B&B Costiera dei Cech ;-), continue straight (3 km) until the end of the road. Good parking area.

Trail description:
The trailhead lies few meters before the football field. Follow the signs to Bivacco Bottani. The trail climbs steeply up to cross a dirt road (firebreak). 1 h.

Continue climbing the steep trail leading to big and sunny meadows of Pre Soccio (1653 m.). 40 minutes.

The trail continues climbing and losing among the grass, in this part the trail is not very clear, so, point up, on the left, to where the meadows finishes and you find the trail again.
The trail reaches Alpe Visogno (2000 m.) in 1 hour.

From here, on the left, you can recognize the 3 Cornini, that arises from an old moraine of a glacier.

The trail to reach the 3 Cornini is not marked, but I suggest climbing yet one hundred or so meters towards the direction of Bivacco Bottani, that you see in the upper right part, and then cross horizontally the valley until you’ll locate a ledge leading easily to the thread of the moraine.

From here the trail descends (to the mountain ridge) towards the 3 Cornini. The first you’ll meet is the easier even if very exposed.

The views from the summit are outstanding!!! Very good location to shoot unforgettable photos.

From the summit, retrace your steeps downhill to the trailhead.

Connected trail:
Bivacco Bottani Cornaggia 2327 m., reachable in 1 hour from Alpe Visogno
Croce Gam 2585 m, only for experts

Recommended Map: Kompass n°92
More hiking Costiera dei Cech


By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.