August in my garden and surroundings, 5 pictures


Some pictures of August between breakfast cakes, flowers, donkeys and hiking in the surrounding area.

With the help of the warm temperatures and the sun of this August 2020, for the first time the Prickly Pears from the B&B garden have blossomed and are now preparing to form the fruit.

Vegan jam tartlets made with a vegan shortcrust pastry filled with various fruit jams. One of the vegan cakes served in the B&B Costiera dei Cech. One of my favourite!

I know…be careful, the snakes, the poison…
In truth she too was enjoying the sunshine and warm August temperatures!

August in the mountains is a fully booked month (or so they told me), better not to go too far! Thinking about it I don’t need to go too far: in the Costiera dei Cech there is everything I need.

The end of August. The donkeys return down to the Pesc pasture after having been in the upper valley to eat the good weeds that they only know.

The month of August ended with a memorable series of thunderstorms and downpours that cleared the air and returned tranquility and silence to the mountains.


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By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.